Dear Polly
The following is a letter I wrote to my friend’s inner critic, Polly. I imagine that we can all see ourselves in Polly’s story.
Dear Polly,
I know you have tried to help my friend Ellen navigate her life. I do appreciate that you try. I do believe your intentions are good. However, it is not your job anymore to rule her mind. I have seen my friend Ellen’s heart and light. She is brave, kind, empathetic, patient, funny, joyful, a great listener, a present friend, a great mom and so much more. I see all these amazing qualities in her. All the people in her life see them. I do believe she sees them too but you often get in the way. Why?
You pretend to know what is best for Ellen but YOU DO NOT! You come from a place of scarcity and a history of thinking in a “certain” way. Well, Polly, Ellen has learned amazing tools in her Mastering Your Mind program and she now knows how to manage her mind and live from her authentic self.
I want to remind you Polly that your control does not help Ellen. It hurts her to her core. So may you please make it easier for her to get back to that place in her heart where it sings?
My friend Ellen is stronger than you and as her friend, I am asking you to make it easier on her. I acknowledge that you will take over from time to time. However, your efforts to sabotage my friend only cause her pain and confusion. Is that what you want?
Polly, I imagine that you truly do not want that for Ellen. I know you think you are protecting her but you are not. I am asking with full humility and respect to please stay in your pocket. I know the more you stay in the dark, in her pocket, the more her light will shine. I see that light and when she shines it on the world we are all better people. Thanks for listening Polly - now PLEASE go the FUCK away.