About Margie
For the last few years, I have been on a journey to discover my authentic self…
Read on to learn more about my journey and how I got here.
After receiving a positive COVID diagnosis in March 2020, I have been on a journey of discovery… I am uncovering my authentic self.
You see, I seemed to have the perfect life… After raising four children, obtaining a Master of Social Work degree, working in social services and holding two significant leadership roles in my community, you’d think I ‘had it all’. Yes, AND I was suffering.
As I began to search for meaning in my life, I became curious about why I was suffering…
By listening and learning from many amazing teachers and coaches, I created (and will always continue to expand) a tool belt, designed exactly for me as I am, authentically!
Coaching allowed me to examine my thoughts and learn which thoughts are coming from my nagging, not-enough, and inner critic voice, and which are my true and authentic thoughts.

Inside my curiosity exist all the answers I need about who I am and what I want for my life. The answers were always within but I needed guidance to find them and harness them.
The work I have done has changed my life.
I am the truest version of myself. I experience joy more readily, I can recognize the difference between the thoughts that come from my inner critic mind versus my authentic thoughts. I can access inner peace and freedom.
Life coaching has helped me, and I want to help my clients build their own toolkit and untangle the chaos of their own inner monologue.

I am a trained Martha Beck Wayfinder Life Coach working towards my certification with the International Coaching Federation. I live in South Jersey with my husband of 32 years. We plan to move to our new home in the picturesque ski town of Avon, Colorado in 2025.
I want to help you find freedom from your inner critic mind.
We all have roots (like the tree in my logo) that run through our hearts. These roots hold our inner wisdom and desires.
I will help you navigate through the mosaic of your inner thoughts to uncover the love and light that lives within you.
We are ALL capable of changing our thoughts from ones of our automatic, or inner-critic mind to authentic thoughts that come from our hearts.
Let me help you clarify and articulate what you want most from life and how to achieve it.

You are NOT the voice inside your head, you’re just the one who hears it.

Chat with me!
Taking the first step can be the hardest part.
Book your Clarity Conversation to determine if coaching is right for you and your current needs.